PhotoMix is a Windows software for digital scrapbooking and photo collage creation.
Create scrapbooking layouts, digital collages, or calendars quickly and easily with PhotoMix. PhotoMix is very easy to use and it's even easier with our tutorials and templates. With PhotoMix you can make great scrapbooks, either quickly and easily - with templates, or creatively - with numerous graphics kits to choose from.
The program now fully supports UNDO/REDO functions.
Make use of UNDO/REDO functions to experiment with your projects.
You can use Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y key combinations as well as corresponding toolbar buttons.
Printing from PhotoMix is now improved.
On the File menu, press Print ..., then select a printer in the dialog box and press "Print" button. Your project will be printed automatically; its size will be the one specified in Page setup dialog box.
If project size is larger than the one supported by your printer, the project will be printed on several sheets of the specified format. Join the sheets to have a large-size print.
Working with panes has become easier.
Navigate through panes using direct pane access buttons.
Adjusting photo settings.
Use the set of buttons located to the right of the working area to instantly rotate/flip photos, change photo settings and enhance photo quality.
Working with backgrounds - enhanced techniques introduced.
Use the feature of multiple background pattern change to make it suit your project.
Blocking separate frames.
Use "Block frame" button located in the smart toolbar to lock frame position.
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